Category Archives: Podcast

Atheistically Speaking Episodes

AS143: Atheists Say the Darnedest Things, with Elijiah T.

Elijiah was a guest about a year ago, and now he’s back for another round! This time, we’re going to discuss what Elijiah alleges are bad arguments atheists make. It’s a really cool discussion and I had a great time. 2 episodes, filled to the brim!

AS142: Armed Peaceful Protests, with Jake Farr-Wharton

Continuing the discussion from Monday, Jake and I go on to react to the CNN Anderson Cooper interview with the organizer of the obnoxious event. Also, I read most of this really well written response to the event:

To the Bikers Who Plan to Protest in Arizona

AS141: Real Islamophobia, with Jake Farr-Wharton

This week I have Jake on to discuss what is an actual case of Islamophobia. That is, the biker “protest” outside of an Arizona mosque where members wore t-shirts saying “F*** Islam” and carried weapons.

AS140: At Long Last, Listener Comments

But not just any comments, really good comments! I go back over the Louis CK stuff from Monday in light of a few comments, and then I finally comment back at a comment on Christina Hoff Sommers.

AS139: Louis CK, Filters, Mad Max, MRAs…

It’s a bit of a potpourri for today’s episode! What did Louis CK’s SNL monologue from the other week have to do with free will and determinism? Also, I saw Mad Max and felt the need to talk a bit about it and the intersection with feminism.

AS138: David Hume, Of Miracles Part 2

Continuing from Monday, we’re finishing up Of Miracles by Hume. It’s quite an important piece in skeptic history, and seeks to provide an argument against miracle testimony of many kinds.

AS137: David Hume, Of Miracles

The Portable Atheist, part 6! Rather than claim I will come back to the Portable Atheist in a month and then wait like 4 months as I have previously, I decided to be proactive and get right to it!

This time, it’s “Of Miracles” by David Hume,  very important work for skepticism. This will be a two-parter because the reading is long and there’s lots to say!

AS136: Being Raised A Mormon Girl, Part 2

Megan is back for part 2 about being raised as a female Mormon. It’s quite a bit different than as a male.. Also, NCMOs are real!

Here’s some of the resources/links Megan mentioned:

Also if you’d like to contact Megan, she was kind enough to offer her email at

Thanks for listening!

AS135: Being Raised A Mormon Girl, with Megan

Some time ago I had two ex-Mormons, Bill and Gerald, on to discuss their experience with the church. After hearing that, Megan sent me a message asking if I wanted to get the female perspective on the Mormon experience. I said absolutely! So Megan is here to give us another side of the story. With how much sexism there is in the Mormon church, it’s no surprise that her story is quite a bit different. Listen and find out!